Labor Day Over, Serious About School
As Labor Day winds down and signals the end of summer, it’s time to intensify our back to school thoughts and prepare for a solid year of reform efforts.
We’ve covered a few things in the last week that bear repeating here. Here’s what happened just before Labor Day weekend:
Bryan Setser, Executive Director of the North Carolina Virtual Public School wrote in a blog post that the arrival of Hurricane Earl amplified the need for students to have a variety of means to pursue their education. They include: mobile; broadband; wi-fi access on buses or while waiting in line to be dropped off for school.
Bill Philips, President of the New York Charter Schools Association gave an interview to edReformer that highlighted his views on accountability and growth for charters in an era of new types of competitive support.
John Danner, founder of Rocketship Education, explained the blended learning model.
Jaime Casap, an Education Apps Evangelist at Google, talked about why he joined the newly formed Digital Learning Council.
Giselle Huff, Executive Director of the Hume Foundation explained why the current year is a critical period for creating real policies for digital learning. She is also on the Digital Learning Council.
Andy Rotherham, blogger at Eduwonk and new member of the Digital Learning Council says that state education policy leaders can look to the Council as a guide for setting strong policy that helps students.
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