School Choice in Sweden
BBC‘s Liz MacKean offers great report on school choice in Sweden where “There are now more than 1,100 such schools in Sweden, funded by the state, but operated independently.” And “About 10% of all students of compulsory school age now attend the new schools, and in the upper secondary level it is about 20%.”
Kunskapsskolan, founded by Peje Emilsson, is a particularly innovative chain of personalized schools–Big Picture meets Connections Academy.
It’s odd that there’s more choice and market participation in education in Sweden than in the US don’t you think?

Al Meyers
Great post. I have been talking about the need for real competition in our education system as a driver of innovation. There are many charter schools that receive the lion's share of their funding from the public school system. If they are to be true "agents of change," then the ties need to weaker, not parasite/host.
As I have a family member in Sweden and have also been studying the area for "best practices," I'm glad you communicated their school choice approach. In addition, to the best of my knowledge, Sweden also allows the private sector to compete for government funding.
Thanks for teeing this up.