Best of 2009: 10 blogs you may have missed
Still think Investing in Innovation is important for the economy, 2/23; follow up on 3/3 quoting Reid Hoffman
Thought a Brooks column on Fryer’s study of HCZ, 5/10, would be the most important of the year given definitive evidence of the power of good schools to counter the crippling effects of poverty.
I wrote three posts on the KnowledgeWorks 2020 Forecast, the last one, 5/4, suggests that progress will vary greatly depending on local and state political leadership.
The emergence of a reform consensus, the new American Education Agenda, in 2009 will be critical to ESEA reauthorization, 5/12. An 8/9 post expanded on the theme.
On 7/17, I wrote about schools that foster innovation.
Freeconomics is becoming an important in education, 7/10.
On 9/12, I asked about the set of standards that will enable a new generation of transformative learning platforms, and on 11/7 I discussed why I’m betting on platforms.
Michael Barber gave the most interesting 10 minute presentation I saw this year on 10/28.
Still betting that blended restarts will be key to improvement at scale, 11/1.
Would still like to see a prize for mastery learning—a merit badge approach to student progress. On 11/21 I described one approach.

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