Posts by Mason Pashia
Market Your School With Design Thinking: Troubleshooting Ideas With Prototyping
Prototyping is the fourth phase of the design thinking framework. When prototyping school marketing, contribution is key to keeping creativity flowing.
Market Your School With Design Thinking: Best Practices For Ideation
Ideation and brainstorming are practices used by nearly every business and organization. These tips make it a more effective and varied experience.
Design Thinking For School Marketing: Defining the Challenge
Oftentimes challenges are not fully defined, and as a result, the solution doesn’t stick. Defining a problem is about moving past assumptions and reconciling data and observation.
Design Thinking For School Marketing: Empathize With Your Community
Empathy is the first step in the design thinking framework. It’s a crucial part of the successful marketing of your school.
Solving Interesting Problems With an Entrepreneurial Mindset
By: Mason Pashia. As the workplace continues to shift, leadership and agility are becoming necessary for all members of a team. An entrepreneurial mindset consists of many of the most useful skills for the future. And no, it doesn’t mean starting your own company.
Rethink ED: 3 Hallmarks of the Future of Learning
Mason recaps ReThink Ed (#RethinkED), an event where innovators in education gathered together in Kansas City sponsored by the Kauffman Foundation and the Debruce Foundation.
6 Ways to Market Your School Without Social Media
Social media can serve as a great marketing tool for schools, but it is not your only option. These six ways to market your school go beyond social media.
You Can’t Spell Humanities Without Human
Remember working on book reports? Reading approximately 150-200 pages and praying to encounter another student’s previous annotations; anything to indicate what is important: a theme, an essential detail, anything. This level of comprehension and these sifting skills undulate and change through life, eventually manifesting in countless ways—a proclivity for storytelling,…
You’ve Been Augmented: 7 Tips for Working with AI
Algorithms and innovations in AI can be empowering and a valuable and dynamic part of our work if we follow guidelines in key areas such as transparency, boundaries and trust.
Deepfakes: Teaching Critical Consumption
The last general election was altered by the rise of fake news spread on social media. We’re entering the first general election that will be influenced by fake video—altered, dubbed, even fully fabricated video. Despite the omnipresence of warnings like the one above, we often dismiss them as red herrings,…