Charters, Common Core & EdTech Headline Education Nation

Education Nation is broadcasting live from the basement of the New York City Library.
Andrea Mitchell interviewed former Secretary of State Condelleza Rice who made the case that lagging educational outcomes are a national security risk. She said, “The U.S. has historically been a place where people were not trapped by class. When ladder of success is not available, we threaten national cohesion.”
Rice stumped for the Common Core and the need for more wiriting. She also pitched her new memoir Extraordinary Ordinary People.
Michelle Caruso Cabrera interviewed Craig Barrett and Walter Isaacson who both advocated for teacher quality and charter schools.
Barrett touted blended learning pioneer Carpe Diem as well as the rigorous college prep network Basis. Isaacson said Steve Jobs would supported flipped classrooms with class time devoted to collaborative work.
Rehema Ellis interviewed the new College Board CEO Davie Coleman and the LAUSD superintendent John Deasy about implementation of Common Core. To a parent that complained about the lack of input, Coleman assured him of rounds of input and collaboration of national groups. Deasy suggested the Core would lead to more teacher collaboration across the curriculum. A teacher mentioned Edmodo as a great resource for sharing Core-aligned materials.
Citi sponsored an Innovation Challenge with a $100,000 prize for an edtech startup. Edmodo COO Crystal Hutter will serve as a mentor for the three finalists.
Tom Luce made the pitch for the ExxonMobile-backed National Math and Science Initiative which is sponsoring the adoption of three programs that train teachers, develop curriculum, and promote AP course taking.
Education Nation is a made-for-TV event with short segments produced for several NBC networks. Sponsors were prominent, so was security.
Bonus Addition: Carol Dweck talked about the importance of developing a growth mindset that values learning and possibility rather than a fixed mindset. Angela Duckworth said skill is a result of deliberate practice–often frustrating and tedious–of about 10,000 hours or 10 years. Duckworth suggests Woody Allen was right, success is about showing up.
Brian Williams asked Paul Tough, author of How Children Succeed (review later this week on Getting Smart) about the “generation of celebration” that have grown up with trophies for participating. Tough said “Character and self esteem are often in conflict.”
David Brooks recounts a culture that valued self-control of the Eisenhower generation. “Character often values choices that makes you less likely to succeed,” said Brooks. “Over the last 40 years we made our public systems much fairer but we trust our institutions less” often as a result of laps in character. Closing thoughts: Williams was really funny, Dweck was insightful, Brooks really wise, and Duckworth really impressive.
Edmodo is a portfolio company of Learn Capital where Tom is a partner.

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