Clayton Christensen Discusses the Future of State Universities
At the Future of State Universities Conference, which was hosted by Governor Jeb Bush, Governor Jim Hunt and Academic Partnerships in Dallas, Texas this October, Clayton Christensen spoke about disruptive innovation in major institutions such as Harvard University.
Harvard University graduates are expensive to hire in today’s market. “There are very few markets that can pay a Harvard MBA,” says Christensen.
Christensen warns that students are going to learn management and business skills independent of Harvard, meaning that cheaper, more effective learning will be disruptive in institutions like Harvard that privatize its world-class professors.
The questions he says is, “Can we commoditize the professor?” He says yes and by doing so with technology, Harvard could make more money and impact more people. View the video below:
Clayton Christenson remarks at the the Future of State Universities Conference from Academic Partnerships on Vimeo.
Christensen is the author of Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns coined the now popular idea of “disruptive innovation.” Click here for more about Christensen.
For more about the Future of State Universities Conference, go to
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