Open HS of Utah Launches Open Resources Project

In keeping with its mission the Open High School of Utah, a public charter school that delivers a heavy online component to its students, says that it has become the first secondary school to share the curriculum they develop as an open educational resource. Today they announced the release of ten semesters of creative commons licensed content.
The Open High School of Utah curriculum is built from open educational resources. These resources are the foundation for their content and are aligned with Utah state standards to ensure the highest quality educational experience, according to a statement released by the school this morning. The teachers enhance student learning with screencasts, interactive components, and engaging activities to create high quality curricula for their students, said the press release.
Here is a video that contextualizes today’s announcement:

The use of open resources also makes it possible to very easily modify the curriculum to meet student needs. This is perhaps the most exciting aspect of the Open High School of Utah! Every student’s educational experience can be customized to best fit their needs, turning the one-size-fits-all, teach-to-the-middle education system on its head.
The objective behind creating open content is to create free and simple access to knowledge and information through collaboration and innovation. The Open High School of Utah joins the ranks of other organizations like CK12, Curriki, OER Commons, Flat World Knowledge and The National Repository of Online Courses, who are also committed to creating, promoting or hosting open educational resources.
The Open High School of Utah invites you to view and share its content and to learn more about the philosophy behind the school and its curriculum release at and by watching this brief video clip, courtesy of

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