Have Platform, Will Grow
Less important than the news that a Japanese gaming company has set up a fund for social gaming ventures is the news that the companies they will invest in will go on a platform.
This is the same thing I mentioned yesterday when I said that there’s no reason to have something on the web unless you are going to have your own platform. Okay, with the exception of possibly growing something the fits into an already existing platform, in the hopes that some rich investor or company comes along and buys you out.
See also: Togetherville, a social networking platform for the under-13 crowd.
Japanese Gaming Company DeNA Announces Social Gaming Venture Fund
The person who blogs about this at ReadWriteWeb almost gets it. Alllmooooost gets it.
What’s interesting about DeNA’s announcement is not merely the additional early stage funding opportunity for the growing social gaming market. DeNA’s press release makes it clear that its actions are a response to – and a way to differentiate itself from – its competitor Zynga. Describing its investment fund as part of an “epic battle of ‘Godzilla’ proportions,” DeNA goes to great lengths to compare itself to Zynga – in terms of its revenue stream, its market-share, and its lack of reliance on the Facebook platform.
Let me highlight that last sentence: DeNA goes to great lengths to compare itself to Zynga – in terms of its revenue stream, its market-share, and its lack of reliance on the Facebook platform
Who here hates Facebook? Is it jealousy, because they act like a monopolizer of all your opportunities to spread your content? The thing I don’t like about Facebook is that so much of what you put on Facebook ends up on Facebook, but your data does not. They share that data right now with a couple of partners, as the video we put up on the site on Monday shows: Digital Ed Is People.
Bringing it back to Education
Having a strong social gaming platform is a must-have and an Epic Win for any future school district that is run by an administrator that gets it. I would encourage district superintendents who are not thinking about it now, to start thinking about getting into partnerships with budding social gaming companies, or social web companies that have ambitions towards building a landscaped platform for all types of social gaming, or online gaming and education gaming. These platforms will be powerful accelerators of student learning, and it will help students tap into a global web of learning opportunities.
About DeNA:
DeNA continues to bring new ideas to life. We have gained a wide user base by leveraging the know-how gained through our start as an e-commerce company to expand into the area of mobile phone services. We will continue moving forward to explore new areas of business that offer people something extra and adds excitement to their lives.
I’ll save till another time the secret of being an e-commerce company first with its own marketing internal system and revenue streams to enable purchasing other brands on the web. We’ve covered this before when we talked about Lingo Media
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