
Personalized Learning

Powering the Real Revolution in Higher Education

We've heard a lot about Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) -- the breakout trend of the year -- but it's still a fringe concept feeding what Clayton Christensen calls non-consumption. The real story is how the diverse web of nearly 5,000 institutions (broadly speaking) of higher learning in the U.S. are responding to cost pressure, calls for higher completion rates and better job preparation, and student demands for relevance.

Personalized Learning

World Education University Disrupts the Cost of Higher Education

Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) were thetop megatrend of 2012. MOOCs made theshift from curiosity to employability. Antioch University is proving that it's getting easier to convert a MOOC experience into college credit. ACE is close behind, evaluating Coursera courses for credit. EdX and the Gates Foundation partnered this month to offer MOOCs at MassBay Community Colleges, proctored through Pearson VUE.


SMARTtech Top 10: Nearing the New Year

Can you believe it's December? Neither can we. We're on the count down to the New Year and the news is still alive and kicking with innovation. The market is on full speed ahead to 2013 with some exciting possibilities in education.

Personalized Learning

How MOOCs Already Changed Higher Ed in 2012

As we all know, cost is the major reason that students drop out of college, with the two highest cost factors being tuition and textbooks. In 2012, we have talked a lot of the potential of MOOCs to make higher education more open, more affordable and more responsive to employers’ needs than the traditional university structure.


SMARTtech Top 10: Happy Thanksgiving

We hope you’re enjoying the long holiday weekend. We know you’re eager to get back to your turkey sandwich leftovers and that backyard game of tag football, which is why we’ve worked to condense the news highlights to just 10 quick items. Here’s your small talk points for early Monday morning back at the office.