Future of Learning

School Sustainability Is About More Than Just Keeping the Doors Open

[…] to affect change to consider ways to build long-term momentum behind their vision and culture, prioritize distributed leadership, and establish strong board and governance relationships and structures. Education Board Partners and High Tech High GSE provide unique and high-quality services in this area. Extended Impact. Once a school has created meaningful positive change and becomes sustainable in […]

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Place Based Education

Launch of Open-Source Library at SchoolPatterns.com

Randy Fielding introduces the launch of Schoolpatterns.com which aims to solve a common problem encountered by schools working to create vision-aligned learning environments.

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New Pathways

Can We Ditch AP for More Engaging Courses?

Tom Vander Ark shares six tips for education leaders who are thinking about how many AP classes to offer and what alternatives to consider.

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Equity & Access

Innova: A Revolution in Education?

[…] start-up was funded by Carlos Rodriguez Pastor, a Peruvian businessman. He saw an opportunity to provide high-quality schools in areas where the government struggled to supply essential education services (Peru and Colombia consistently rank near the bottom on the global education survey). He enlisted the famed US design firm IDEO to develop a comprehensive program that […]

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Future of Learning

Can’t Miss Education Conferences in 2023

[…] Throughout our travels, we continue to curate and update a list of our favorites that we think everyone should attend. Here is the latest list of can’t-miss education conferences for your 2023 planning: FETC January 23-26, 2023; New Orleans, LA In-Person and Online FETC is the largest national independent EdTech conference discussing tech trends, […]

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Place Based Education

Video Insights – Start the School Year Strong

Eden Park Elementary School teachers foster a strong start to the school year, emphasizing student involvement in creating shared expectations and a community-focused learning environment.

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Avoiding Accidental Harm: Fostering Positive Impact on Students’ Lives

[…] speaker Todd Shy, author of Teaching Life: Life Lessons for Aspiring (and Inspiring) Teachers (2021) and head of upper school at Avenues in New York, refer to education as a “human event” that changes lives for the better. He shared beautiful stories about students impacted permanently and positively by an adult who saw them, […]

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Difference Making

One Stone: Forging An Army of Good 

[…] Providence taught me about work-based learning. Visiting Francis Parker in Boston taught me about principles and habits of learning. Visiting Mountain Academy in Wyoming taught me about place-based learning.    Visiting One Stone in Boise taught me that school could be about leading and difference making. I learned that young people could be invited into […]

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Portland Youth Exercise Power through Participatory Budgeting

[…] to hire a paid, all-youth steering committee to design the process and write the rulebook, which is when Lillyanne, an artist and organizer with a focus on place-based and racial equity work, came on board. In addition to being drawn to how PB gives community members a direct say in how public money is […]

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