Invention Opportunity: Measuring What Matters
By: Devin Vodicka. It's time for an invention opportunity around assessments - create new policies, practices, and tools that encourage the development of purposeful goals tied to whole-child and competency-based learning progressions.
5 Personalized Learning Strategies for the Online Learner
The shift to online learning continues. Here are 5 personalized learning strategies for the online learners.
How Deep is Their Learning?
Deeper learning isn’t found within the practice of project-based instruction, personalized instruction or competency-based instruction but how the learner applies that instruction.
Virtual Voyages: Augmented and Virtual Reality Point Toward an Immersive Learning Future
[…] through simulations, growing their critical thinking skills. AI-assisted immersive learning can guide students to useful information, ask probing questions, and suggest avenues of inquiry, leading to a deeper sense of purpose as they discover what truly excites them. Examples of Immersive Learning Language learning: Struggling with French? Language learning often requires immersive experiences or […]
The Story of Transforming A System: Spring Grove Schools
By: Gina Meinertz. Globally, school systems are in need of shifting power, practices, and tradition to a more student-centered learning model.
Three Keys to Making Game-Based Learning Student-Centered
There is a wide array of resources available that support learning through digital games and established approaches for integrating games into the school curriculum. Some fit easily into existing teaching practices and have seen widespread adoption, including platforms like Kahoot!
Redesigning School: Six Key Pillars From Six of the Most Innovative Schools and Programs
[…] years at other schools.” Questions For Reflection: How might you make learning more fluid for students? What adults could you bring in? Which subjects might you combine around deeper learning experiences? Pillar #2: Learning Centered on Inquiry: Inquiry-Based Learning at Innovations Academy, San Diego All meaningful learning begins with a provocative question. Finding that question is […]
The Ready Player One Test: Systems for Personalized Learning
We can examine how regeneration can support innovative pedagogy in immersive learning environments by digging a little deeper. Dagan Bernstein shares more in their latest post.
Schools Alive With Possibility
[…] skills, which is made possible through the learner’s active engagement in experiences they typically do not encounter in today’s schools,” explains AASA’s Learning 2025 report. Because they promote deeper integrated learning, the trends of connected learning and contribution complicate the trends of credentialed learning–and that’s a good tension. It is challenging to make mastery judgements […]
Can’t Miss Education Conferences in 2024
[…] education and professional organizations, entrepreneurs, faculty from higher education organizations, students, parents, and community leaders—in service of addressing complex problems and issues of inequity in educational outcomes. Deeper Learning Conference March 26-28 2024; San Diego, CA Deeper learners from around the world gathered for this beautiful reminder of why educators do this work, and of […]