Equity & Access

Five Tips to Creating Equitable Learning Ecosystems

By: Amy Anderson Chiara is a high school student in Denver, but when we first met her she was in 5th grade and contemplating where she wanted to go to middle school. Chiara’s dad works for a hospital that partners with our nonprofit organization, RESCHOOL, to offer its employees the benefit of advocates who […]

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Agency and Co-Authoring Thriving in Colorado Schools

Over the last few months, we’ve been fortunate to accompany school leaders to some outstanding Colorado schools that exemplify new learning models that lead to new pathways.

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Schools Worth Visiting

[…] and life success. Students participate in extended project-based learning experiences three times each year. Personalized Performing Arts CBE. Metropolitan Arts Academy, part of Westminster Public Schools in Denver, Colorado, is a visual and performing arts public innovation school that has a focus on artistic expression through project-based instruction within the context of visual and […]

Future of Learning

John Winsor on the Open Talent Economy

[…] school? How did the way that the college was organized aid John in his learning? John reflects on receiving his MBA in Marketing at the University of Denver. Tom and John also discuss how both CC and UoD have evolved over time. How John got into the publishing business. About John’s interest in racing […]

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